

Na Naučmese od 21. 3. 2023.

How to Learn Scratch Programming
Scratch is a free coding platform that's easy to learn and fun. It helps kids create stories, games, and animations online.

It also lets you explore the projects that others have made. This is a great way to get inspired and see how other programmers work with the platform to get started with scratch programming course


What is Scratch?
Scratch is an easy-to-use coding language that's designed especially for young people. It's widely used in schools around the world, and kids and adults are able to create digital stories, games and animations using their imaginations.

Scratch uses block-based coding, which makes it easier for children to understand how to program and how the coding works. It also helps them build essential computational thinking and problem-solving skills that will help them when they're older.

The left side of the screen contains all of the coding blocks that can be dragged and dropped in the middle portion of the screen to create the code. Each of these blocks has a function, such as "motion" or "looks."

On your journey to

Learn scratch programming

, there are several different types of sprites that can be created, including characters and objects. These sprites can be commanded to do things such as "move" or "create speech bubbles." The top right of the screen is where you will see the output of your code.

How to get started with Scratch
Scratch is an easy-to-use programming language that lets kids create stories, games, and animations. The program is free and teaches kids to work with block-based code.

To get started with Scratch, go to the homepage and click the "create" button to open a new project. Once you're in the interface, the left side of your screen will contain a stage area and a block palette (technically called "scripts").

On the right, you should see the "code area," where you place blocks that make sprites move, look, act, and do things. You can also add other blocks that do stuff like set variables or access cloud variables.

Get started with

scratch programming course

by Codingal!

If you're just getting started, the first thing to do is to check out some of the tutorials. They're a great way to learn about the program and figure out what your child wants to know more about.

Beginner projects
Learning to program in Scratch is a great way for kids to hone important 21st-century skills. Not only does it teach coding, but it also helps build logic and problem-solving abilities, and encourages creativity.

Beginner projects are a great way to learn the basics of scratch programming without getting overwhelmed. They let kids explore on their own and see what works for them.

One great beginner project is Hide and Seek, where players will have to find and catch a character named Gobo. There are many ways to customize this project, including adding a timer or changing the way that Gobo moves and sounds upon catching him.

This is a fun music-themed project that teaches a lot about how to use the basic blocks in Scratch. It also highlights the importance of knowledge of components like if-statements and broadcast messages. By the end of this project, coders will have a solid understanding of how to build a game on their own.

Advanced projects
Scratch programing is a great way to learn how to code and build critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills. Unlike traditional drag-and-drop programming, Scratch uses a block-based interface that makes learning easier for students.

With Scratch, you can create animations, apps, games, stories, and art. And you can share your projects with an active online community, seeking ideas and advice from friendly Scratchers.

The best way to learn Scratch programing is to enroll in a course that provides hands-on learning and practical activities. The best ones I recommend are CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Scratch and Code Yourself!

In CS50’s free, 4-week course, you’ll explore the fundamentals of programming and computational thinking. You’ll design visual stories, animations, interactive art, and games using the MIT-designed programming language, Scratch. You’ll also study list management, define procedures, use webcam sensing, and debug problematic code.

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